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Surviving Anything as a New Restaurant Owner with Pizza USA

Pedro recounts his rise in the pizza business with humility and grace. This episode epitomizes the power of determination leading to success against all odds. It's a must-listen for aspiring entrepreneurs or anyone who loves pizza.

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In This Episode

Introduction to Pizza USA Owner:
Pedro Martinez, the owner of Pizza USA in Bellflower, is featured in a YouTube series called “PIE 2 PIE.” Pedro has been a significant influence, having worked alongside the host for over a decade.

Challenges Faced During the Pandemic:
Pedro took over Pizza USA in February 2020, just before the pandemic hit. The episode discusses the challenges Pedro faced during the pandemic, including the need to recreate Pizza USA to adapt to the changing circumstances.

Pizza Making Process and Ingredients:
Pedro shares insights into his pizza-making process, including the difficulties encountered when starting and perfecting the dough recipe. The choice of flour is discussed, with Pedro currently using all-trans flour but considering trying caputo flour in the future.

Business Strategies and Motivation:
Pedro expresses motivation to be the best in the pizza business and talks about the hard work and dedication required, especially during the initial challenging year. The importance of passion for pizza-making is emphasized, stating that without passion, the business won’t succeed.

Future Goals and Contact Information:
Pedro envisions expanding Pizza USA, mentioning potential locations like Culver City or Huntington Beach. Pizza USA can be contacted through various platforms, including online orders, phone calls to the shop, and delivery apps such as Uber Eats, Grubhub, and Doordash.

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